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Fakultät Kunst- und Sportwissenschaften

Physical Activity in Refugee Reception Sites

Projektleitung: Dr. Enrico Michelini
Laufzeit: May 2019

Ziele und Inhalte

This project investigated patterns of physical activity (PA) in the environment of refugee sites. 
In order to consider the determinants and the meaning of PA in this setting, I conducted for four weeks a field study in Niamey (Niger). 
During this time, I had the daily possibility to participate at and observe sport activities in three refugee sites of Niamey and I was directly involved in the implementation of a sport project with refugees. 
I want to thank again UNHCR for having enabled and supported this project. 
For both personal and professional aspects, it has been an immensely valuable experience. 
My understanding on the topic sport and refugees broadened substantially. 
I am looking forwards to work on the abundant empiric material collected and to develop new research projects on sport in the environment of refugee sites. 
I would love to exchange experiences and ideas with fellow colleagues in this field.