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Fakultät Kunst- und Sportwissenschaften
Sportpsychologie und Sportsoziologie

Dr. habil. Enrico Michelini

Portrait von Dr. Enrico Michelini © Martina Hengesbach​/​TU Dortmund

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Raum 1.101
Otto-Hahn-Straße 3
44227 Dortmund

Tel: +49 231 755-2981
Fax: +49 231 755-4105

Zur Person

  • Mitarbeiter der AB Entwicklung und Lernen und Kultur und Gesellschaft
  • The­o­rie und Praxis im Schwimmen

2013-heute- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft der TU Dortmund

2021-2022- Vertretungsprofessur, Sportwissenschaftliches Institut der Universität des Saarlandes

2013-2022- Habilitation in Sportwissenschaft (HU Berlin)

2010-2013 - binationale Promotion in Sportwissenschaft (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen) und in Business and Management (Universität Turin)

2005-2007 - Master in Sport Management, Universität Turin

2002-2005 - Bachelor in Sportwissenschaft, Universität Mailand

1997-2002 - Humanistisches Gymnasium, Schule „Primo Levi”, Mailand


  • Sportsoziologie. Themen: Migration und Sport (mit Schwerpunkt Fluchtmigration und Sport); Extremismus im Sport (Verbände und Vereine); Gesundheit und Sport (Förderung körperlicher Aktivität); Konflikte im Sport (Sportunterricht)



2024: „Extremismusprävention im organisierten Sport“ finanziert vom BISp

2023: „Flucht und Elitefußball“ finanziert von der UEFA-Academy

2019-22: „Sport in Refugee Sites of Niamey“ finanziert von UNHCR-Niger

2020: „Flucht und Fußball“ finanziert von der DFB-Stiftung Egidius Braun

2018: „Flucht und Sport in Deutschland und Italien“ im Rahmen des DAAD-Programms „Akademischer Dialog mit Südeuropa“


  • Pitsch, W., & Michelini, E. (2023-Submitted). Recreational Sport as a Trigger for Self-Medication A Systematic Literature Review of the Prevalence. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
  • Michelini, E. & Norrito, A. (2023-Submitted). Physical Activity and Sport in Niamey’s Refugee Sites: A Multilevel Analysis of Changes between 2019 and 2022. Journal of sport management.
  • Norrito, A., Michelini, E., Giulianotti, R., & Mason, C. (2023). “Refugee footballers”: A socioecological exploration of forced migrants in the Italian and German elite football system. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Online First, 1-20. doi: 10.1177/10126902231179071
  • Michelini, E. (2022). Organised Sport in Refugee Sites: An Ethnographic Research in Niamey. European Journal for Sport and Society, 19(1), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/16138171.2021.1878433
  • Michelini, E. (2022). Conflicts in Physical Education Classes: A Systems Theoretical Analysis of the Teacher’s Perspective. Central European Journal of Educational Research, 4(1), 11-20. doi: 10.37441/cejer/2022/4/1/10629
  • Michelini, E., & Schreiner, L. (2022). Multiperspectivity in Organised Sport at Refugee Sites. Case Study-Based Sociological Findings and Pedagogical Considerations. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4(1016010). doi: 10.3389/fspor.2022.1016010
  • Michelini, E., & Seiberth, K. (2022). Refugee, Footballer and (Anti-)Hero: The Case of Bakery Jatta. A Discourse Analysis of German Newspapers. Soccer and Society, Online first. doi:10.1080/14660970.2022.2080668
  • Burdsey, D., Michelini, E., & Agergaard, S. (2022). Beyond crisis? Institutionalised mediatization of the Refugee Olympic Team at the 2020 Olympic Games. Communication and Sport, (Open access). doi: 10.1177/21674795221110232
  • Michelini, E. (2021). The Representation of the ‘Refugee Crisis’ and ‘Sport’ in the German Press. A Discourse Analysis of Newspapers. European Journal for Sport and Society, 18(3), 265-282.  doi: 10.1080/16138171.2021.1930945
  • Michelini, E., & Burrmann, U. (2021). A Preliminary Impact Model for the Integration of Young Refugees through Sport Programmes. CuSSoc, 6(2), 265-281. www.cussoc.it/index.php/journal/issue/archive
  • Michelini, E. (2021). Physical Activity Promotion: The Perspective of the Medicalisation Studies. Salute e Società, 20(3), 206-221. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3080456
  • Michelini, E., Bortoletto, N., & Porrovecchio, A. (2021). Outdoor Physical Activity during the Coronavirus Crisis. A Comparative Analysis of Governmental Restrictions related to the COVID-19 in Italy, France and Germany. Frontiers in Public Health. (online first). doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.615745
  • Michelini, E. (2021). The Representation of Yusra Mardini as a Refugee Olympic Athlete: A Sociological Analysis. Sport und Gesellschaft, 18(1), 39-64. doi: 10.1515/sug-2021-0003
  • Tuchel, J., Burrmann, U., Nobis, T., Michelini, E., & Schlesinger, T. (2021). Practices of Voluntary Sports Clubs to Include Refugees. Sport in Society, 24(4), 670-692. doi: 10.1080/17430437.2019.1706491
  • Michelini, E. (2020). Refugees, Physical Activity and Sport. A Systematic Literature Review. Mondi Migranti, 14(3), 131-152. doi: 10.3280/MM2020-003008
  • Michelini, E. (2020). Coping with Sport Ambitions after Forced Migration: Strategies of Refugee Athletes. European Journal for Sport and Society, 17(4), 345-361. doi: 10.1080/16138171.2020.1792114
  • Michelini, E., Burrmann, U., Nobis, T., Tuchel, J., & Schlesinger, T. (2018). Sport Offers for Refugees in Germany. Promoting and Hindering Conditions in Voluntary Sport Clubs. Society Register, 2(1), 19-38. doi: 10.14746/sr.2018.2.1.02
  • Michelini, E. (2018). War, migration, resettlement and sport socialization of young athletes: the case of Syrian elite water polo. European Journal for Sport and Society, 15(1), 5-21. doi: 10.1080/16138171.2018.1440949
  • Michelini, E. (2018). La promozione dell’attività fisica tra medicina e sport: una lettura a partire dalla teoria dei sistemi di Luhmann [The Promotion of Physical Activity between Medicine and Sport: A Sociological Analysis Based on Luhmann's System Theory]. Salute e Società, 17(1), 141-158. doi: 10.3280/SES2018-001010
  • Michelini, E. (2017). Communicative Validity of Health-Related Promotion of Physical Activity: A Critical Analysis of National Health Strategies. Social Theory & Health, 15(4), 448-464. doi: 10.1057/s41285-017-0037-2
  • Michelini, E. (2015). Disqualification of Sport in Health-Related Promotion of Physical Activity. A Global Social Phenomenon? European Journal for Sport and Society, 12(3), 257-280. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-08188-1
  • Michelini, E. (2014). ‘Sport’ as a Medium of Health Promotion. The Perspectives of the Sport and Health Systems in Germany. Sport and Society, 11(2), 83-104. doi: 10.1515/sug-2014-0202
  • Michelini, E., & Thiel, A. (2013). The Acceptance of ‘Sport’ in the Communication of the Health System. A Sociological Analysis. European Journal for Sport and Society, 10(4), 325-344. doi: 10.1080/16138171.2013.11687926



EASS (2023 Budapest-Chair, Tübingen 2022-Chair, Southampton 2021-Chair, Bordeaux 2018-Chair, Praha 2017, Copenhagen 2016-Chair, Dublin 2015, Utrecht 2014-invited, Cordoba 2013, Bern 2012), ESA (Debrechen 2021-Chair, Barcelona 2021-Chair, Teramo 2021-Chair, Manchester 2019-Chair, Athene 2017-Chair, Praha 2015-Chair, Turin 2013-Chair), dvs (Bochum 2023, Kiel 2022, Berlin 2019, Berlin 2018, München 2017, Köln 2016, Erlangen 2014), Sportforum (Darmstadt 2022-Invited), ECSS (Dublin 2018-Invited), German Network of Forced Migration Researchers (2020), Tagung der Becker Stiftung (Köln 2014), EASM (Aalborg 2012; Madrid, 2011), International-vergleichende Forschung zu Bildung und Bildungspolitik im Wohlfahrtsstaat (Tübingen, 2010)