Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner

Leitung des Arbeitsbereich 2: Training und Bewegung (Trainings- und Bewegungswissenschaft)
Raum 1.129
Otto-Hahn-Straße 3
44227 Dortmund
Tel: +49 231 755-2148
Fax: +49 231 755-4105
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Zur Person
- Dekan der Fakultät Kunst- und Sportwissenschaft
- Leiter des AB Bewegung und Training
1990 - 1995 Studium der Sportwissenschaft und der Physik an der J.W.Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/M
1996 - 1999 Promotionsstipendium der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
1999 - 2004 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent an der Sportwissenschaftlichen Fakultät Leipzig
2005 - 2011 Juniorprofessor für Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft an der TU Kaiserslautern
2009 - 2010 Vertretung der Professur Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft in Augsburg
seit 2011 Professor für Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft an der TU Dortmund
- Motorisches Lernen und Techniktraining
- Interventionsstrategien und Trainingsmethoden im Konditions- und Techniktraining
- Prozessorientierte Bewegungsanalyse
- Ambient Intelligence/Ubiquitous Computing im Sport
- Mess- und Informationssysteme im Sport
RelaySens - Entwicklung eines MEMS-basierten Messsystems zur Leistungsdiagnostik im leichtathletischen Staffelsprint (Dr. Marcus Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner; 01.04.2021-31.03.2023)
Real-Time-Steuerung des Gruppentrainings bei Nachwuchsradsportlern auf der Basis nicht-linearer Belastung-Beanspruchungs-Modelle (Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Dr. rer.nat. Claas Kuhlmann; 1.1.2012-31.12.2012)
SpoSeNs (Dr. Marcus Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Sebastian Wille; 1.1.2013 - heute)
Qualifizierung durch Sport als Maßnahme der beruflichen Reintegration Arbeitsloser und Langzeitarbeitsloser (Jan-Philipp Müller, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Dr. Meike Riedel; 1.7.2012-30.10.2012)
Schwimmen lernen von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund - Eine Analyse der Rahmenbedingungen in NRW (Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Dr. Veronique Wolter, Anna Sendt; 10/2020 - 02/2021)
Einfluß biomechanischer Parameter auf die Wettkampfleistung in den Kurzzeitdisziplinen des Bahnradsports (Dr. rer.nat. Claas Kuhlmann, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Sandra Tilly; 2015 - 2016)
Der Einsatz der isokinetischen Dynamometrie im Training und der Diagnostik der knie- und hüftumspannenden Muskulatur zur Leistungsoptimierung, Verletzungsprävention und -rehabilitation (Tobias Alt (OSP Westfalen), Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner; 2017 bis heute)
K4D - Kollaboratives Lernen und lehren mit digitalen Medien (Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Prof. Dr. Jörg Thiele, Eike Meyer; 2020-2023)
Injury prevention and performance improvement in youth elite football players (Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Seyed Mojtaba Asgari; March 2020- July 2023)
Different level of task variation in learning a Golf Putting Skill (Dr. Marcus Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner; Oktober 2012 - )
Golembiewski, J., Schmidt, M., Terschluse, B., Jaitner, T., Liebig, T., & Faulwasser, T. (2024). The dynamics of a bicycle on a pump track–first results on modeling and optimal control. at-Automatisierungstechnik, 72(2), 134-142.
Ackermann, A., Bonin, D., Jaitner, T., Peters, M., Radke, D., & Wischniewski, S. (2023). Synthesis and validation algorithm followed by a weighting procedure to create a detailed anthropometric dataset for the German working-age population. Ergonomics, 1-13.
Alt, T., Nolte, K., Horn, D., Modenbach, D., Jaitner, T., & Knicker, A. J. (2023). Improving the ecological validity of isokinetic knee tests at different hip angles: reciprocal concentric-eccentric movements as a suitable alternative for discrete tests. Research in Sports Medicine, 1-17.
Arghadeh, R., Alizadeh, M. H., Sheikhhoseini, R., Asgari, M., & Jaitner, T. (2023). Electromyography of scapular stabilizers in people without scapular dyskinesis during push-ups: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Physiology, 14, 1296279.
Asgari, M., Schmidt, M., Terschluse, B., Sueck, M., & Jaitner, T. (2023). Acute effects of the FIFA11+ and Football+ warm-ups on motor performance. A crossover randomized controlled trial. Plos one, 18(4), e0284702.
Bäcker, M.H., Jaitner, T. Effects of caffeine-containing energy drinks on endurance performance and side effects: a randomized cross-over study. Dtsch Z Sportmed. 2023; 74: 214-218. doi:10.5960/dzsm.2023.575
Kolodziej, M., Groll, A., Nolte, K., Willwacher, S., Alt, T., Schmidt, M., & Jaitner, T. (2023). Predictive modeling of lower extremity injury risk in male elite youth soccer players using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 33(6), 1021-1033.
Riemer, J., Jaitner, T., & Wischniewski, S. (2023). Investigating inter-day variations in the physical effects of exoskeletons: requirements for long-term biomechanical studies. Applied Sciences, 13(11), 6483.
Riemer, J., Jaitner, T., & Wischniewski, S. (2023). Effect of familiarization on the reproducibility of maximum isometric normalization contractions in a worker-specific sample. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 97, 103478.
Schmidt, M., Nolte, K., Terschluse, B., Willwacher, S., & Jaitner, T. (2023). Positive influence of neuromuscular training on knee injury risk factors during cutting and landing tasks in elite youth female handball players. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 53(1), 19-29.
Schneider, L., Sogemeier, D., Weber, D. & Jaitner, T. (2023) Effects of a seat-integrated mobilization system on long-haul truck drivers motion activity, muscle stiffness and discomfort during a 4.5-h simulated driving task. Applied Ergonomics, 106, 103889.
Schneider, L., Sogemeier, D., Jaitner, T., Buchner, A., & Stutzig, N. (2023). Adaptions in back muscle activity in long-haul truck drivers during prolonged driving with and without seat-integrated stimulation. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 96, 103475.
Thomas, C., Nolte, K., Schmidt, M., & Jaitner, T. (2023). Lower Baskets and Smaller Balls Influence Mini-Basketball Players’ Throwing Motions. Biomechanics, 3(1), 71-78.
Alt, T., Nolte, K., Horn, D., Modenbach, D., Knicker, A. J., & Jaitner, T. (2023). Analyses of Isokinetic Thigh Muscle Strength: Camera-Based Assessment Alters the Magnitude, but Not the Message. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 1-10.
Alt, T., Nolte, K., Horn, D., Modenbach, D., Knicker, A. J., & Jaitner, T. (2022, September). Effects of Test Modality and Hip Flexion on Resultant Knee Flexor Moments. In World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport & International Conference of Computer Science in Sports (pp. 31-34). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland
Alt, T., Roos, T., Nolte, K., Modenbach, D., Knicker, A.J., Jaitner, T. (2023) Modulating the Nordic Hamstring Exercise from ‘zero to hero' – A stepwise progression explored in a high-performance athlete. J Athl Train ; doi:
Asgari, M., Alizadeh, M. H., Shahrbanian, S., Nolte, K., & Jaitner, T. (2022). Effects of the FIFA 11+ and a modified warm-up programme on injury prevention and performance improvement among youth male football players. PloS one, 17(10), e0275545.
Asgari, M., Nazari, B., Bizzini, M., & Jaitner, T. (2022). Effects of the FIFA 11+ program on performance, biomechanical measures, and physiological responses: A systematic review. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 1-10.
Bergmann, J., Schmidt, M., & Jaitner, T. (2022, September). High execution quality leads to more beneficial break point angles during the Nordic Hamstring Exercise. In World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport & International Conference of Computer Science in Sports (pp. 21-24). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Huber, G., Jaitner, T., & Schmidt, M. (2022). Acute effects of minimalist shoes on biomechanical gait parameters in comparison to walking barefoot and in cushioned shoes: a randomised crossover study. Footwear Science, 1-8.
Jaitner, T., Nolte, K., & Weigelt, S. (2022, September). Individualized Feedback Training in High Performance Rowing. In World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport & International Conference of Computer Science in Sports (pp. 39-42). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Kolodziej M, Willwacher S, Nolte K, Schmidt M, Jaitner T. (2022) Biomechanical Risk Factors of Injury-Related Single-Leg Movements in Male Elite Youth Soccer Players. Biomechanics, 2(2):281-300.
Schmidt, M., Nolte, K., Terschluse, B., Willwacher, S., & Jaitner, T. (2022). Positive influence of neuromuscular training on knee injury risk factors during cutting and landing tasks in elite youth female handball players. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 1-11.
Schmidt, M., Nolte, K., Kolodziej, M., Ulbricht, A., & Jaitner, T. (2022, September). Accuracy of Three Global Positioning Systems for Determining Speed and Distance Parameters in Professional Soccer. In World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport & International Conference of Computer Science in Sports (pp. 174-177). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Thomas, C., Nolte, K., & Jaitner, T. (2022, September). Adaption of Throwing Techniques in Youth Basketball According to Ball Size, Basket Height and Throwing Distance. In World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport & International Conference of Computer Science in Sports (pp. 155-158). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Wolter, V., Sendt, A., & Jaitner, T. (2022). Schwimmen lernen von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund. In Forum Kinder-und Jugendsport (Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 50-56). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Alt, T., Breitenmoser, T., Vonhoegen, J., Horn, D., Severin, J., Nolte, K., Knicker, A.J., Jaitner, T. & Stüder, H. (2021, accepted) The dynamic control ratio masks bilateral asymmetries – A gender-specific analysis of 264 healthy and ACL-injured athletes. Research in Sports Medicine,
Asgari, M., Alizadeh, S., Sendt, A., Jaitner, T. (2021) Is the Functional Movement Screening (FMS) an appropriate Tool for Injury Prediction among Female Athletes? A Systematic Narrative Review. German Journal of Sports Medicine, 72 (3),
Asgari, M., Alizadeh, S., Sendt, A., & Jaitner, T. (2021). Evaluation of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) in Identifying Active Females Who are Prone to Injury. A Systematic Review. Sports medicine-open, 7(1), 1-10.
Asgari, S. M. & Jaitner, T. (2021) A multidimensional dynamic warm up programme to prevent knee and ankle injuries of the junior sub-elite football players. IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport . J Sports Med 2021;55(Suppl 1):A80.2
Bergmann, J., Meyer, E. & Jaitner, T. (2021) Digitales kollaboratives Lernen in der fachpraktischen Ausbildung des Sportstudiums. Zeitschrift für Studium und Lehre in der Sportwissenschaft.
Kolodziej, M., Nolte, K., Schmidt, M., Alt, T., & Jaitner, T. (2021). Identification of neuromuscular performance parameters as risk factors of non-contact injuries in male elite youth soccer players: a preliminary study on 62 players with 25 non-contact injuries. Frontiers in sports and active living, 3.
Schmidt, M., Kemena, M., & Jaitner, T. (2021). Null Effects of Different Amounts of Task Variation in Both Contextual Interference and Differential Learning Paradigms. Perceptual and motor skills, 128(4), 1836-1850.
Schmidt, M., Meyer, E., & Jaitner, T. (2021). Quantifying jump-specific loads in beach volleyball by an inertial measurement device. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 16(2), 391-397.
Schmidt, M., Nolte, K., Terschluse, B., Jaitner, T. (2021) Ermüdung beeinflusst Risikofaktoren für ACL Verletzungen bei Nachwuchshandballerinnen. German Journal of Sports Medicine, 72 (3), 138
Schneider, L., Frings, K., Rothe, S., Schrauf, M., & Jaitner, T. (2021). Effects of a seat-integrated mobilization system during passive driver fatigue. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 150, 105883.
Sendt, A., Kolodziej, M., Nolte, K., Jaitner, T. (2021) Einfluss der Rumpfkraft auf die Schwimmzeiten jugendlicher Schwimmer. German Journal of Sports Medicine, 72 (3),
Pelzer, T., Schmidt, M., Jaitner, T., & Pfeiffer, M. (2020). External training load and the effects on training response following three different training sessions in young elite beach volleyball players. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 15(5-6), 717-727.
Schmidt, M., Alt, T., Nolte, K., & Jaitner, T. (2020). Comment on “Hurdle Clearance Detection and Spatiotemporal Analysis in 400 Meters Hurdles Races Using Shoe-Mounted Magnetic and Inertial Sensor”. Sensors, 20(10), 2995.
Schmidt, M. & Jaitner, T. (2020) Einsatz biomechanischer Messverfahren zur Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Methodenkompetenz in den Sportarten und Bewegungsfeldern am Beispiel Leichtathletik. Zeitschrift für Studium und Lehre in der Sportwissenschaft, 3(1) 17-21.
Schmidt, M., Meyer, E. & Jaitner, T. (2020). Quantifying Jump-Specific Loads in Beach Volleyball by an Inertial Measurement Device. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. published online ahead of print. doi:10.1177/1747954120973101
Schmidt, Marcus; Nolte, Kevin Frederic; Terschluse, Benedikt; and Jaitner, Thomas (2020) Fatigiue impaits kinematics but not kinetics of landing and cutting in elite youth female handball players. ISBS Proceedings Archive: Vol. 38 : Iss. 1 , Article 176. Available at:
Asgari, S. M., Jaitner, T., Shahrbani, S. & Kolodziej, M. (2019) Is there more effective alternative for 11+ program to prevention of injuries and pla-yers‘ performance improvement? A randomized controlled study to compare 11+ and its modified model. In: Woll, A., & Altmann, S. Wissenschaft & Praxis: Beiträge und Analysen zum Fußballsport XX ; 27. Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fußball vom 07.-09. Oktober 2019 in Karlsruhe ; Abstracts. Hamburg: Feldhaus, Edition Czwalina.
Jaitner, T., Schmidt, M. (2019) Leistungsdiagnostik und Trainingsmonitoring im Leistungssport mittels mobiler Sensorsysteme. In: Arampatzis, A., Braun, S., Schmitt, K. & Wolfarth, B. Sport im öffentlichen Raum: 24. dvs-Hochschultag, Berlin, 18.-20. September 2019 ; Abstracts. Hamburg: Feldhaus, Edition Czwalina.
Jaitner, T. & Schmidt, M. (2019) Performance analysis and load monitoring in highly dynamic sports by inertial measurement units. In: Danilov, A. Lames, M., Timme, E. Vassilevski, Y. 12th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport, 8–10 July, 2019, Moscow, Russia. Book of Abstracts, Moscow
Kolodziej, M., Beck, A., & Jaitner, T. (2019). Verletzungsprädiktion: Nicht alle Wege führen nach Rom! Sportphysio, 7(02), 67-73.
Kolodziej, M., Nolte, K. & Jaitner, T. (2019) Kraftfähigkeiten und muskuläre Dysbalancen im Nachwuchsleistungsfußball. In: Woll, A., & Altmann, S. Wissenschaft & Praxis: Beiträge und Analysen zum Fußballsport XX ; 27. Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Fußball vom 07.-09. Oktober 2019 in Karlsruhe ; Abstracts. Hamburg: Feldhaus, Edition Czwalina.
Kolodziej, M., Tilly, S. & Jaitner, T. (2019). Test-Retest Reliability of an Innovated Isometric Strength Measurement of Hip Adductors and Abductors. FIFA Medical Conference, London.
Schmidt, M. & Jaitner, T. (2019) Step Frequency and Step Length during Sprinting of Novices. In: Sperlich, B., Kunz, P., & Düking, P. German Exercise Science & Training Conference (GEST19) of the German Society of Sport Science (dvs), February 20th–22nd 2019 ; book of abstract. German journal of exercise and sport research, 49(Suppl. 1), S18.
Schmidt, M. & Jaitner, T. (2019). Determining jump height in Beachvolleyball with inertial measurement devices. In: Book of Abstract of the 24th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science – 3rd – 6th July 2019, Prague.
Schmidt, M., Meyer, E. & Jaitner, T. (2019). Sprunghöhenermittlung im Beachvolleyball mittels Inertialsensoren. dvs-Jahrestagung Biomechanik 2019. 10.-12. April 2019 in Konstanz.
Thomas, C., Nolte, K., Monien, T., Kolodziej, M. & Jaitner, T. (2019) Reactive Agility in Youth Basketball. In: Sperlich, B., Kunz, P., & Düking, P. German Exercise Science & Training Conference (GEST19) of the German Society of Sport Science (dvs), February 20th–22nd 2019 ; book of abstract. German journal of exercise and sport research, 49(Suppl. 1), S24.
Backhaus, N., Knittel, M., Weisner, K., Benter, M., Wischniewski, S., Jaitner, T., & Deuse, J. (2018). Förderung gesunder Arbeit durch kontextsensitive Assistenzsysteme in der industriellen Fertigung und Montage ARBEIT (s). WISSEN. SCHAF (f) T-Grundlage für Management & Kompetenzentwicklung: GfA.
Kolodziej, M., & Jaitner, T. (2018). Single Functional Movement Screen items as main predictors of injury risk in amateur male soccer players. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 48(3), 349-357,
Kolodziej, M., Steinhoff, S. & Jaitner, T. (2018). Postural Control as Predictor of Lower Extremity Injuries in Male Youth Soccer Players. FIFA Medical Conference, Barcelona.
Schmidt, M., Wille, S., Rheinländer, C., Wehn, N., & Jaitner, T. (2018). A Wearable Flexible Sensor Network Platform for the Analysis of Different Sport Movements. In: Ahram, Tareq & Falcão, Christianne (Eds.), Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design: Proceedings of the AHFE 2017 International Conference on Advances in Human Factors and Wearable Technologies, 3-14. Cham: Springer International Publishing. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Best Paper Award.
Thomas, C., Kolodziej, M. Nolte, K. & Jaitner, T. (2018) Entwicklung und Validierung eines Tests zur Erfassung der „Reactive Agility“ im Basketball. In: Plessner, H., Borkenhagen, F., Heim, R., & Roth, K. Instruktion vs. Selbstregulation im Sportspiel: 11. Sportspiel-Symposium der dvs vom 13.-15. September 2018 in Heidelberg. Hamburg: Feldhaus, Edition Czwalina.
Ferrauti, A., Platen, P., Grimminger-Seidensticker, E., Jaitner, T., Bartmus, U., Becher, L., de Marées, M. Mühlbauer, T., Schauerte, A., Wiewelhove, T., Tsolakidis, E. (2017) 22nd annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) : 5th - 8th July 2017, MetropolisRuhr - Germany ; book of abstracts. Bochum.
Jaitner, T., Ebker, G., & Schmidt, M. (2017). Estimation of the jump height for the volleyball spike by a mobile imu unit. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 35(1), 230.
Jaitner, T., Kolodziej, M. Nolte, K. & Thomas, C. (2017) Entwicklung eines Tests zur Erfassung der „Reactive Agility“ im Basketball. Training im Sport: Jahrestagung dvs-Sektion Trainingswissenschaft, 20. bis 22. September 2017, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz ; Tagungsband & Abstracts (S. 102) Mainz: Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft / Sektion Trainingswissenschaft.
Jaspert, A., Jaitner, T. & Hahn, D. (2017). Differences and similarities of kinematic triple jump parameters between youth and elite athletes. In: Ferrauti, A., Platen, P., Grimminger-Seidensticker, E., Jaitner, T., Bartmus, U., Becher, L., de Marées, M. Mühlbauer, T., Schauerte, A., Wiewelhove, T., Tsolakidis, E. (2017) 22nd annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) : 5th - 8th July 2017, MetropolisRuhr - Germany ; book of abstracts. Bochum.
Kolodziej, M., Breer, M. & Jaitner T. (2017). Core Stability related FMS Items as Main Predictors of Injury Risk in Amateur Male Soccer Players. In: Ferrauti, A., Platen, P., Grimminger-Seidensticker, E., Jaitner, T., Bartmus, U., Becher, L., de Marées, M. Mühlbauer, T., Schauerte, A., Wiewelhove, T., Tsolakidis, E. (2017) 22nd annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) : 5th - 8th July 2017, MetropolisRuhr - Germany ; book of abstracts. Bochum.
Kolodziej, M. & Jaitner, T. (2017) Veränderung physischer Parameter in der Wettkampfperiode bei professionellen Handballballspielerinnen. In: Collette, R., Endler, S., Pelzer, T., Rasche, C., Winter, C., & Pfeiffer, M. (2017). Training im Sport: Jahrestagung dvs-Sektion Trainingswissenschaft, 20. bis 22. September 2017, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz ; Tagungsband & Abstracts (S. 70-71) Mainz: Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft / Sektion Trainingswissenschaft.
Schmidt, M. & Jaitner, T. (2017) Anwendung eines IMU- basierten Messsystems zur Felddiagnostik von Sprüngen und Sprints in verschiedenen Sportarten. In: Collette, R., Endler, S., Pelzer, T., Rasche, C., Winter, C., & Pfeiffer, M. (2017). Training im Sport: Jahrestagung dvs-Sektion Trainingswissenschaft, 20. bis 22. September 2017, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz ; Tagungsband & Abstracts (S.103) . Mainz: Deutsche Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft / Sektion Trainingswissenschaft.
Schmidt, M. & Jaitner, T. (2017). Accuracy of determining volleyball spike jump height with IMUs. In: Ferrauti, A., Platen, P., Grimminger-Seidensticker, E., Jaitner, T., Bartmus, U., Becher, L., de Marées, M. Mühlbauer, T., Schauerte, A., Wiewelhove, T., Tsolakidis, E. (2017) 22nd annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) : 5th - 8th July 2017, MetropolisRuhr - Germany ; book of abstracts. Bochum.
Schmidt, M., Wille, S., Rheinländer, C., Wehn, N., & Jaitner, T. (2017). A wearable flexible sensor network platform for the analysis of different sport movements. Paper presented at the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics.
Jaitner, T., Schmidt, M., Nolte, K., Rheinländer, C., Wille, S., & Wehn, N. (2016). Vertical jump diagnosis for multiple athletes using a wearable inertial sensor unit. Sports Technology, 1-7. doi:10.1080/19346182.2015.1117476
Jaitner, T., van Haren, A. & Hahn, D. (2016). Kinematic step-parameters and triple jump performance in female youth athletes. In: Baca, A.; Wessner, B.; Diketmüller, R.; Hofmann, M.; Kornfeind, P.; Tsolakidis, E. Book of Abstract of the 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science – 6th – 9th July 2016, Wien.
Jaspert, A., Schmidt, M., Jaitner, T & Hahn, D. (2016). Kinematische Analyse des Dreisprungs der männlichen und weiblichen Jugend U16. 12. Tagung der dvs-Kommission Leichtathletik, Kassel.
Kolodziej, M., Schmidt, M. & Jaitner, T. (2016). Seasonal variations of performance parameters in female elite handball. In: Baca, A.; Wessner, B.; Diketmüller, R.; Hofmann, M.; Kornfeind, P.; Tsolakidis, E. Book of Abstract of the 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science – 6th – 9th July 2016, Wien.
Schmidt, M. & Jaitner, T. (2016). IMU-basierte Felddiagnostik von Sprüngen und Sprints. 12. Tagung der dvs-Kommission Leichtathletik, Kassel
Schmidt, M., Rheinländer, C., Nolte, K.F., Wille, S., Wehn, N. & Jaitner, T. (2016). IMU- based Determination of Stance Duration During Sprinting. Procedia Engineering 12/2016; 147:747-752. DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.06.330
Schmidt, M., Rheinländer, C., Wille, S. & Jaitner, T. (2016). IMU-based field diagnosis for jumping and sprinting in track and field events. In: Baca, A.; Wessner, B.; Diketmüller, R.; Hofmann, M.; Kornfeind, P.; Tsolakidis, E. Book of Abstract of the 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science – 6th – 9th July 2016, Wien.
Schmidt, M., Rheinländer, C. C., Wille, S., Wehn, N., & Jaitner, T. (2016). IMU-based determination of fatigue during long sprint. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct, Heidelberg, Germany.
Weisner, K., Knittel, M., Enderlein, H., Wischniewski, S., Jaitner, T., Kuhlang, P., & Deuse, J. (2016). Assistenzsystem zur Individualisierung der Arbeitsgestaltung. Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 111(10), 598-601.
Weisner, K., Deuse, J. & Jaitner, T. (2016) Adaption eines sport- und bewegungswissenschaftlichen Trainingsansatzes zur Erhöhung der Einsatzflexibilität operativer Mitarbeiter. Arbeit in komplexen Systemen – Digital, vernetzt, human?! 62. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, Aachen
Wesely, M., Schmidt, M. & Jaitner, T. (2016). Leistungsentwicklung in der Kinderleichtathletik – Ein Vergleich zweier Trainings- und Wettkampfansätze. 12. Tagung der dvs-Kommission Leichtathletik, Kassel