Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner

About the person
- Executive Director of the Institute and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the IFSS
- Head of the AB Movement and Training
- deputy Chairman of the joint ethics committee of faculties 12-16
- deputy. Chairman of the examination board of fac. 16
- Member of the Faculty Council
- deputy Member of the doctoral committee Fak. 16
- deputy Member of the Senate of the TU Dortmund
1990 - 1995 Studies of Sports Science and Physics at the J.W.Goethe-University Frankfurt/M 1996 - 1999 Doctoral Scholarship of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation 1999 - 2004 Scientific Assistant at the Faculty of Sports Science Leipzig 2005 - 2011 Junior Professor for Exercise and Training Science at the TU Kaiserslautern 2009 - 2010 Substitute for the Professorship of Exercise and Training Science in Augsburg since 2011 Professor for Exercise and Training Science at the TU Dortmund University
Research focus
- Motor learning and technique training
- Intervention strategies and training methods in conditioning and technique training
- Process-oriented movement analysis
- Ambient Intelligence/Ubiquitous Computing in Sports
- Measurement and information systems in sports
RelaySens - Development of a MEMS-based measurement system for performance diagnostics in track and field relay sprinting (Dr. Marcus Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner; 01.04.2021-31.03.2023)
Real-time control of group training in junior cyclists based on non-linear load-stress models (Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Dr. rer.nat. Claas Kuhlmann; 1.1.2012-31.12.2012)
SpoSeNs (Dr. Marcus Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Sebastian Wille; 1.1.2013-present).
Qualification through sports as a measure of professional reintegration of the unemployed and long-term unemployed (Jan-Philipp Müller, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Dr. Meike Riedel; 1.7.2012-30.10.2012)
Learning to swim of children with migration background - An analysis of the general conditions in NRW (Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Dr. Veronique Wolter, Anna Sendt; 10/2020 - 02/2021)
Influence of biomechanical parameters on competitive performance in the short time disciplines of track cycling (Dr. rer.nat. Claas Kuhlmann, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Sandra Tilly; 2015 - 2016)
The use of isokinetic dynamometry in training and diagnostics of the muscles surrounding the knee and hip for performance optimization, injury prevention and rehabilitation (Tobias Alt (OSP Westfalen), Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner; 2017 - present)
K4D - Collaborative learning and teaching with digital media (Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Prof. Dr. Jörg Thiele, Eike Meyer; 2020-2023)
Injury prevention and performance improvement in youth elite football players (Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner, Seyed Mojtaba Asgari; March 2020- July 2023)
Different level of task variation in learning a golf putting skill (Dr. Marcus Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Thomas Jaitner; October 2012 - )
Schneider, L., Frings, K., Rothe, S., Schrauf, M., & Jaitner, T. (2021). Effects of a seat-integrated mobilization system during passive driver fatigue. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 150, 105883. Pelzer, T., Schmidt, M., Jaitner, T., & Pfeiffer, M. (2020). External training load and the effects on training response following three different training sessions in young elite beach volleyball players. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 15(5-6), 717-727. Schmidt, M., Meyer, E., & Jaitner, T. (2020). Quantifying jump-specific loads in beach volleyball by an inertial measurement device. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 1747954120973101. Kolodziej, M., Beck, A., & Jaitner, T. (2019). Injury prediction: not all roads lead to Rome!. Sportphysio, 7(02), 67-73. Kolodziej, M., & Jaitner, T. (2018). Single Functional Movement Screen items as main predictors of injury risk in amateur male soccer players. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 48(3), 349-357. Jaitner, T., Schmidt, M., Nolte, K., Rheinländer, C., Wille, S. & Wehn, N. (2016). Diagnosis of reactive jumping performance by an inertial sensor unit. Sports Technology, pp. 1-7 Schmidt, M., Rheinländer, C., Nolte, K., Wille, S., Wehn, N. & Jaitner, T. (2016) IMU- based determination of stance duration during sprinting. Proceedings of the 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, ISEA 2016. Procedia Engineering Weisner, K., Deuse, J. & Jaitner, T. (2016) Adaptation of a sports and exercise science training approach to increase the operational flexibility of operational staff. Ar-beit in komplexe Systeme - Digital, vernetzt, human?! 62nd Spring Congress of the Society for Ergonomics, Aachen Jensen, U., Schmidt, M., Hennig, M., Dassler, F., Jaitner, T., & Eskofier, B. (2015). An IMU-based mobile system for golf putt analysis. Sports Engineering, pp. 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s12283-015-0171-9 Kuhlmann, CH. & Jaitner, T. (2015) Influence of Crank length on Pedalling Economy in the Ac-celeration Phase in Track Cycling - A Single Case Study. In: Colloud, F., Domalain, M., Monnet, T. (Editors) Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (pp. 632-635), Poitiers. Dutke, S., Jaitner, T., Berse, T., & Barenberg, J. (2014). Acute physical exercise affected processing efficiency in an auditory attention task more than processing effec-tiveness. Journal of sport & exercise psychology, 36(1), 69-79. Jaitner, T. & Kessler, D. (2013). Differential vs. drill learning of the overhead badminton smash. In Balagué, N., Torrents, C., Vilanova, A., Cadefau, J., Tarragó, R., Tsola-kidis, E. (Eds.) 18th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS 2013) (pp. 850). European College of Sport Science (ECSS). Jaitner, T. (2012) Biomechanically supported training control 2.0 In: Haase, H., Krüger, F., Nicol, K., Preiß, R. (Eds.) Performance diagnostics and training control. In memory of Rainer Ballreich (pp. 137-145). Cologne: Sportverlag Strauss. Schorer, J, Jaitner, T., Wollny, R., Fath, F. & Baker, J. (2012) Influence of varying focus of attention conditions on dart throwing performance in experts and novices. Experimental Brain Research, 217.2 Jaitner, T (2011) Online monitoring and training control during group training in cycling. Journal of Applied Training Science, Vol. 18, 1 Jaitner, T., Gawin, W. (2010) A Mobile Measure Device for the Analysis of highly dynamic Movement Techniques. Procedia Engineering, 2,2, 2005-10. Jaitner, T., Janssen, D., Burger, R., Wenzel, U. (2010) Identification of EMG frequency patterns in running by wavelet analysis and support vector machines. In: R. Jensen, W. Ebben, Petushek, E., C. Richter & K. Roemer: Proceedings of the 28th International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (pp 376-9), Marquette, Michigan USA Römer, J. Schöllhorn, W.I., Jaitner, T., Preiss, R. (2009) Differential learning in volleyball. Sportunterricht, 58, 2, 41-45. Jaitner, T., Trapp, M. (2008) An ambient intelligence system to support team training in cycling. Ejournal Bewegung und Training, 2 (2008), pp. 66-72 Jaitner, T., Trapp, M. (2008) Application of Service Oriented Software Architectures in Sports: Team Training Optimization in Cycling. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, 7(2), pp. 34-45 Schorer, J., Baker, J., Fath, F., Jaitner, T. (2007) Identification of inter- and intra-individual movement patterns in varying expertise levels. Journal of Motor Behavior, 99, 5, pp. 409 - 421.