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Department of Arts and Sports Sciences


The department "Sports Didactics" organises and teaches courses in the Bachelor Modules B and G.

In Module B, students gain an insight into all scientific areas of the department of Sports and Sport Science. For example, sportdidactical concepts, basics of inclusion and possibilities of student performance assessment are addressed. In Module G, the seminar "Inclusion and Heterogeneity" focuses on working with the case method in the context of inclusive physical education. The seminar "Teachers and Students in Inclusive School Sport" examines topics and empirical data from student and teacher research against the background of inclusive education.

In the Master's program, the department "Sports Didactics" teaches in Module K and in the "Theory-Practice Module".

Examples for topics that are adressed in Module K: Empirical school sports research, student action in physical education, basics of teaching as well as learning processes from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Within the framework of the "Theory-Practice Module", students are prepared for the practical semester at school and receive professional support during the practical semester.