Prof. Dr. Dr. Philipp Zimmer
Head of Department 1: Sports Medicine
Room: 1.127
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 3
44227 Dortmund, Germany
Phone: +49 231 755 7436
Fax: +49 231 755 4105
Office hours:
- Tuesday 14-15 hrs.
- Registration is not necessary.
- Mails regarding exams, recognitions, etc. will not be answered.
About the person
Research Focus:
- Exercise Immunology
- Exercise and Multiple Sclerosis
- Exercise and cancer
- Lecture, "Introduction to the fields of sports science", module B, part sports medicine, Bachelor of Education "Lehramt" (teacher training)
- Lecture, “Introduction to scientific techniques in the context of exercise science”, module B, Bachelor of Education "Lehramt" (teacher training)
- Sports theory seminar, "Exercise and physical activity for the prevention and rehabilitation of internal diseases", Module J, Master of Education "Lehramt"
- Sports theory seminar, "Sports medicine project seminar", Module J, Master of Education "Lehramt"
- Sports medicine research colloquium, for doctoral students
- Sport practical seminar, "Tennis", module D, Bachelor of Education "Lehramt"
- Head of Department 1: performance and health (sports medicine)
- Head of Module B
- Sports aptitude test
- Hygiene Officer
- Member of the Faculty Council
Since May 2021:
Univ.ProfessorshipSports Medicine Technische Universität Dortmund
W3 call to the Chair "Health Science" at the University of Hamburg, declined
Junior Professorship Sports Medicine Technische Universität Dortmund
Substitute Professorship "Sport and Health", Leibniz Universität Hannover
Working Group Leader Sports (Neuro-) Immunology, German Sport University Cologne (DSHS), Institute of Circulatory Research and Sports Medicine, Department of Molecular and Cellular Sports Medicine
PostDoc, Department (G210) Exercise, Prevention Research and Cancer, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg January
Research Associate, DSHS, Institute for Circulatory Research and Sports Medicine, Department of Molecular and Cellular Sports Medicine Education
October 2019:
Habilitation "On the influence of endurance and strength training stimuli on cognitive performance with special consideration of neuro-biological factors" and granting of teaching qualification for "Biomedical Sports Science" (DSHS)
January 2015:
PhD. Sports Science. "Exercise-induced epigenetic modifications in tumor-competent lymphocytes", Summa cum laude (DSHS)
November 2014:
PhD degree in Dr. rer. medic. "Chemobrain after B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma disease- A comprehensive approach to assess cognitive impairment after treatment with R-CHOP or R-bendamustine", Summa cum laude (University of Cologne)
October 2009-September 2012:
Study of neuroscience at the medical and naturwiss. Faculty of Medicine and Natural Sciences, University of Cologne B. Sc. Neuroscience
October 2008-May 2009:
Two semesters PreMed at the University of Szeged (Hungary) (Chemistry, Physics, Biology)
October 2004- March 2008:Studies of Sports Science at the DSHS, Dipl. Sportwissenschaftler (Training and Performance)
An updated publication list can be found in the research section.