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Department of Arts and Sports Sciences

Always showing top performance in competitive sport or even improving it is hard work.
work. Applied sports psychology supports this with scientifically sound findings from theory and
findings from theory and research and adapts them to practical situations. The clients
are mostly (but not only) competitive athletes, coaches, teams,
referees and also the entire staff.
The overarching goal of applied sports psychology is to promote performance.
However, any sustainable promotion of performance requires the foundations of good
well-being and mental health. Especially in junior competitive sport, where
young people are already struggling with the challenges of a “dual career”, it can also contribute to
a contribution to personal development.
As a result, applied sports psychology covers many areas, from
psychological skills and ability training, through to dealing with “chocking under
pressure”, group dynamic processes or leadership issues. These topics
are dealt with in different settings - individual support, team interventions,
workshops, further training, case discussions, diagnostics and training observations.
If you have any questions about applied sports psychology, please contact
Charlotte Behlau, Ph.D. of Sports psychology

Sports psychologist as defined by the Consortium for Sports Psychology (asp) with several years of experience in (high) performance sport, works in cooperation with the OSP Westphalia.