Dominik Modenbach
Technical employee
Room 1.128
Otto-Hahn-Strasse 3
44227 Dortmund, Germany
Phone: +49 231 755 5683 Fax: +49 231 755 4105 E-mail
About the person
- Technical employee
- Employee of the AB Movement and Training
- Supervision of the KinLab and DarkLab
Research focus
Alt, T., Roos, T., Nolte, K., Modenbach, D., Knicker, A. J., & Jaitner, T. (2022). Modulating the Nordic Hamstring Exercise from 'zero to hero'-A stepwise progression explored in a high-performance athlete. Journal of Athletic Training.
Alt, T., Nolte, K., Horn, D., Modenbach, D., Knicker, A. J., & Jaitner, T. (2022). Analyses of Isokinetic Thigh Muscle Strength: Camera-Based Assessment Alters the Magnitude, but Not the Message. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 1-10.